Professional Learning Services

Helping Teachers in Iowa Schools

Four Oaks collaborates with school districts across the state of Iowa to help increase the capacity of educators in meeting the Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Health (SEBH) needs of their students.

We provide customized workshops, coaching, and consultation services for Iowa schools. Our professional learning services encompass a large variety of trauma-informed and social-emotional learning topics including ACES, neuroscience and child development, regulation, staff self-care, basics of restorative practices, integrating social-emotional learning into academics, and community building circles.

what does Four oaks education do?


Service Packages

Multi-Year Professional Learning Packages

Therapeutic Classrooms

Workshops and Coaching and Consultation Services


Training Opportunities

Our Education team are certified trainers in Restorative Practices (IIRP) and Mental Health First Aid (MHFA).

Restorative Practices (IIRP)

Restorative Practices are used in schools to foster an equitable and positive school culture. Restorative Practices focus on strengthening relationships and connections between individuals, both youth and adults, in a school community.

Restorative Practices focus on resolving conflict, repairing harm, and healing relationships. They support a positive and safe school climate, prevent bullying, and reduce disciplinary incidents.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)

Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis.

Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders.

It’s similar to a “First Aid” role in medical emergencies. Mental Health First Aiders do not diagnose or treat mental health challenges, but they do listen, support, and connect young people to professional support based on their needs.

Interested in learning more about being trained in Restorative Practices (IIRP) and Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)?

Contact Education Director Megan Isenberg at